Friday 2 September 2016

Linear ordered linked list : C implementation

Write menu driven program for the followings:

a) Linear linked list : Insertion, Deletion, Search, Display.
b) Linear ordered linked list : Insertion, Deletion, Search, Display.
c) Linear circular linked list : Insertion, Deletion, Search, Display.
d) Linear doubly linked list : Insertion, Deletion, Search, Display.
e) Linear doubly circular linked list : Insertion, Deletion, Search, Display.

Note :
1) Insertion and Deletion ( At first node, At last node, At inbetween nodes)
2) Each node in linked list contains Student's Roll_No, Name, CGPA.

//ordered linked list
//assignment 4


struct node{
char name[20];
int roll_no;
float cgpa;
struct node *link;

struct node *head=NULL;

void orderedInsertion();
void delete();
void search();
void display();

int main()
int choice;
struct node *head=NULL;
    printf("Enter your choice:\n");

            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
                return 0;
            default :
                printf("Try valid input\n");

void orderedInsertion()
    struct node* current;
    struct node* new_node;
    new_node=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
        printf("Enter name :\n");
    printf("Enter roll number :\n");
    printf("Enter CGPA :\n");
    /* Special case for the head end */
    if (head == NULL || head->roll_no >= new_node->roll_no)
        new_node->link = head;;
        head = new_node;
        /* Locate the node before the point of insertion */
        current = head;
        while (current->link!=NULL &&
               current->link->roll_no < new_node->roll_no)
            current = current->link;
        new_node->link = current->link;
        current->link = new_node;

void delete()
    printf("List is empty\n");
    int choice;
    printf("Enter your choice :\n");
    printf("1.Delete 1st node\n2.Delete last node\n3.Delete nth node\n");
    int n,count=0;
    struct node *temp,*temp1;
    struct node *last;
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
        printf("Enter n :\n");

void search()
    struct node *temp;
    char name[20];
    printf("Search : Name ?\n");
            printf("Here is the required data :\n");
            printf("Name : %s\n",temp->name);
            printf("Roll Number : %d\n",temp->roll_no);
            printf("CGPA : %.2f\n\n",temp->cgpa);
    printf("(X) Sorry , NO MATCHES FOUND !\n");

void display()
struct node *temp;
    int count=1;
        printf("Student %d : \n",count);
        printf("Name : %s\n",temp->name);
        printf("Roll Number : %d\n",temp->roll_no);
        printf("CGPA : %.2f\n\n",temp->cgpa);

Thanking you !

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