Tuesday 28 June 2016

Analysis of Bubble Sort :

Here is the observable :

Analysis of Bubble Sort !

For understanding the algorithm of bubble sort .
click the link below :
Bubble sort

In several ways we can modify our algorithm , this first is :

1. Clearly the sorting is done by bubbling the greatest unsorted element to a higher indices each time . So , this makes a two different parts of the array .

  1. Sorted 
  2. Unsorted 

If we put a loop to print the array[] , after each pass , we will clearly understand how the list is divided in two parts . 1. sorted 2. unsorted .

So, What if we exclude the the sorted portion in our algorithm . For sure this will reduce the number of loops and hence time !

As with every loop elements are getting sorted from the end , We can decrease the running of inner loop with every pass . 

This can be done by replacing condition
j<n-1 with j<n-i-1 !


This will reduce the compilation time and result is still as it was !

2. Another thing we can do is adding a variable - "flag".

Our intention is to terminate the loop if the list is sorted .

We can do this by checking , whether swapping is done or not . Like , if swapping is not done means the list is sorted , and we can terminate the loop .
So , for this ,
  •  initialize a variable "flag = 0" , in outer for loop.
  • Change value of flag to 1 , "flag = 1" in the Swapping block .
  • and In outer for loop at the end give a conditional if statement such as , if flag=0 -> break;
  • This will terminate the loop if no swapping is done, i.e. If list is already sorted !

So , In this way Bubble sort  WAS so time consuming , we made it better than before !

Any suggestions and modifications are always accepted !

link to :
1.Bubble sort
2.Selection sort 

Thank you !


  1. From your detailing.......
    You seems an Artist more.

  2. Always an " Shambolic " comment , I can't conclude anything !
