Friday 27 May 2016

Printing a Pascal's Triangle : C program

Probably this is one of the toughest pattern to print using C program for beginners , but after going through this post this won't be tough any more.
Lets focus on definition , what pascal triangle comprises of...
In mathematics, Pascal's triangle is a triangular array of the binomial coefficients.
like , we can see in image :

Pascal's Triangle

Now , see .
Isn't it like this ?

pascal's triangle represented in terms of combinations !

Now , probably you are getting the point i am talking about.
We can simply print the pattern by calling a function of *combination.
The two for loops are required , for row and column and using the following logic we can print the pascal triangle up to required number of rows .

C program : Printing a Pascal's Triangle

#include < stdio.h > 
int comb();/*function for finding combination*/
int main()

int fact();/*functions for finding factorial*/

   int i,j,n;
   int ans;
   printf("Enter number of rows of pascal's triangle :\n");
   for(i=0;i < =n;i++)/*main for loop*/
       for(j=n-i;j!=0;j--)/*nested for loop for managing space*/
           printf(" ");
       for(j=0;j < =i;j++)/*nested for loop for iCj=nCr */
           ans=comb(i,j);/*calling a function for combination*/
           printf("%d ",ans);/*printing the required number*/
       printf("\n");/*printing new line after dealing with one row*/

int comb(int x,int y)
    int a,b,c,d;
    a=fact(x);/*calling a function for factorial*/
int fact(int x)
    int i,p=1;
    for(i=1;i < =x;i++)

*For explanation of functions of combination and factorial refer to the link below :

Permutation and Combination using C functions !

Thank you guys for visiting !
Suggestions and feedback are always accepted .


  1. Awesome buddy.... Just focus on large number.. Eg if two digit number appears in your triangle it disturb you triangle pattern.. Otherwise it will perfect 👌..

    1. ya , I know but
      I was unable to resolve that problem because computer can't adjust space for more digits at single space.
      I would love to know if it is possible ..
      thanks you!
