Saturday 6 August 2016

Stack implementation using C - II .

Implement the stack operations for the stack of books, 
for the followings:(i.e.: Also check the underflow & 
overflow conditions)
Note : 1.Implement using array of structure only.
 2.Each book contains book_name,book_id and book_price.

1. Push 5 book informations.
2. Pop 2 book information.
3. Peep the book.4. Display all books from stack.


#define max_size 5

//defining a library of books
struct book{
char book_name[50];
int book_id;
float book_price;

int top=-1;
void push(struct book *);//function for inserting value at the top
void pop(struct book *);//function for deleting the value from the top
void peep(struct book *);//function for accessing top element
void display(struct book *);//function for displaying all books.

void main()
struct book stack[max_size];
int choice;

    printf("\tEnter your choice :\n");
    printf("\t\t3.Top element\n");
    printf("\t\t4.Display all books\n");

    case 1:
        printf("Error : Stack is full \n");
        printf("\tEnter book \n\t1.Name\n\t2.Book id\n\t3.Book price\n");

    case 2:
        printf("Error : The library is empty\n");
    case 3:
        printf("Error : The library is empty\n");
    case 4:
    case 5:
        printf("\nThank you !\n");
        return ;


void push(struct book *s)

void pop(struct book *s)
    printf("\nthe book poped is");

void peep(struct book *s)
    printf("\nBook at top:");

void display(struct book *s)
    int i;
        printf("\nStack is empty \n");

Thanking you !

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