Sunday 31 July 2016

dealing with substrings !

Hello friends !
Here are some pieces of codes which deal with "substrings",
  • retrieving the position of substring
  • replacing the substring.

//retrieving the position of substring in main string.

void replace(char *a,char *rep,int p);
int substring();
void main()
char str[50],sub[50],rep[50];
int position;
printf("Enter string:\n");
printf("Enter substring :\n");
printf("The starting point of substring is :\t%d\n",position);
printf("Enter the new substring :\n");

// for position
int substring(char *a,char *sub)
int i=0,j=0;

while(a[i]!='\0')// checking each character of string
    if(a[i]==sub[0])// if any character matches the initial of substring
    {    j=1;        // we need to check all character matches or not
        while(sub[j]!='\0' && a[i+j]!='\0' && a[i+j]==sub[j] )
            j++;// iff all charater matches , means this is the required substring
                // it will run every time.
    if(sub[j]=='\0')// in matching case only , this "if" condition is satisfied
        return i+1;

return 0;

// function for replacing the given string
// works for same length substring only

void replace(char *a,char *rep,int p)
int i,j;
for(i= p-1,j=0;rep[j] != '\0';i++,j++)
printf("The new string is :\n%s\n",a);

Thanking you !

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